Thanks to everyone who has been kind enough to offer to help make dolls for the Sandra Jones Centre in Zimbabwe. The girls there are truly blessed to have so many willing to help!
I just want to keep you all updated and let you know myself and a couple kind ladies in South Africa are in the process of trying to find a better way to get the dolls to the centre. I'm in hopes that a gentleman from our church who is a ship captain is going to be able to help get the dolls from ports around the world...we have offers from(in alphabetical order not order of those good enough to help :) Australia,Canada, Mexico,South Africa, UK and the USA so if you live near a port city, if this nice ship captain can talk to others, perhaps those creating dolls could send to you as ambassadors and we could figure out from there how to get them to the ports.(I know this is a big ask, but it could work)
I did contact the airlines to no avail, the have not been helpful in the least! Surely there are flight attendants who could get the dolls a little further down the road....I'm trying to think outside the box and get the dolls to the girls as safe as possible with the least amount of cost to those of you good enough to bless the girls with your generosity. Don't forget to take photos of your dolls, I'm sure it will encourage others to make dolls as well.
If you have not started your dolls yet, Connie Hindmarsh has been FANTASTIC and offered one of her lovely doll patterns for us to use free of charge, the information is on Connie's blog.
Thank you again for you kind offers of help!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
God bless each and every one of you'
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